HomeTelevision'The Bachelor' Season 24 Premiere: Introducing Peter Weber...and Hannah Brown?

‘The Bachelor’ Season 24 Premiere: Introducing Peter Weber…and Hannah Brown?

Photo Credit: ABC/Craig Sjodin

The Bachelor Season 24 Premiere starts with Peter recreating a scene from the movie Top Gun. I’m all in for Peter’s season. I’m ready, and I know you’re ready too. The episode starts with clips from the upcoming season, as well as clips from Hannah’s season. Peter comes from a wholesome family and seems to have wholesome values. I’m just a little jaded from Hannah’s season because I had so much hope in her.

The best part about this premiere is that there is no studio show involved. This episode will consist of the girl’s introductions to Peter, a group date, and a one-on-one date. It makes the three hours a bit more bearable, if only they removed some of the commercials. Let’s get started.


Since there are 30 different girls, I’m going to focus on the highlights of the introductions that I think are worth mentioning.

Sydney – While she is being introduced, she tells Peter “Not every girl from Alabama makes bad decisions”. Solid burn on Hannah Brown.

Eunice – Wears a pair of angel wings and makes the pun about how she’s just going to wing it. She also says my favorite line from the episode “I’m here for the flight reasons”

Courtney – She rode in on a comically tiny airplane that looked like she was pedaling.

Kiarra – was zipped inside of luggage and had to be unzipped from

Deandra – Came in dressed as a windmill

Jenna – Walked in with a beautiful ‘emotional support cow’

Savannah – Blindfolds him and kisses him within the introductions. Is that the first time someone gets kissed during introductions

Kelley – Met Peter a month prior to the introductions and they had a bit of a connection from the get-go

The last limo pulls up and Hannah Brown gets out. Peter looks shocked and the girls inside the mansion start freaking out. Hannah gives him the wings that he gave to her during the introduction of her season. It was very sweet, and I think we all appreciated it.

My favorite drama on the first night of any Bachelor season is the woman who talks to the bachelor and then proceeds to steal him away from other girls throughout the night to get more time for herself. That’s a really good way to label yourself as a villain. Within this premiere, Shiann was talking with Peter for the first time and Hannah stole him away from her, even though she had spoken to him two times prior to that. Shiann then proceeded to confront Hannah about it and nothing got resolved, it wasn’t even a good dramatic fight.

The rest of the introduction is watching the women interrupt the other women. It’s interesting to watch the night play through because we know the women are spending the night drinking and talking and its pretty apparent that some of the women are a little drunk and are getting emotional over small things.

Hannah Ann ended up getting the first impression rose.

Received a rose

🌹 Hannah Ann – First Impression Rose

🌹 Victoria P.

🌹 Madison

🌹 Kelley

🌹 Lexi

🌹 Savannah

🌹 Lauren

🌹 Tammy

🌹 Alayah

🌹 Jasmine

🌹 Sydney

🌹 Natasha

🌹 Mykenna

🌹 Deandra

🌹 Sarah

🌹 Alexa

🌹 Kelsey

🌹 Payton

🌹 Kiarra

🌹 Courtney

🌹 Shiann

🌹 Victoria F.

Went Home

🥀 Kylie

🥀 Maurissa

🥀 Katrina

🥀 Avonlea

🥀 Eunice

🥀 Jade

🥀 Jenna

🥀 Megan

First Date – Group Date

Participants: Hannah Ann, Kelley, Deandra, Tammy, Courtney, Shiann, Victoria P., Jasmine, Victoria F.
Prompt: “Look Up”

The girls go to flight school with some women who are in the Blue Angels. The girls were quizzed on flight questions and terminology. Unsurprisingly, the girls didn’t really know any of the answers. They then had to each go into a gyro-sphere, which really freaked out one of the girls. She ended up getting over it and got a lot of praise from Peter for reaching her fear.

After the gyro-sphere, the girls had to run through an obstacle course so that they could win an opportunity for a solo date with Peter. Kelly and Jasmine were the final two contestants left within the obstacle course, and Kelley didn’t follow the course, but instead went straight through it, so she easily beat Jasmine within the last challenge. This made Jasmine, as well as the other girls, pretty damn upset.

After the date, Jasmine called out Kelley for cheating within the obstacle course, and Kelley said she didn’t realize how serious it was. I don’t think Kelley has ever watched the Bachelor because she would know that these girls would rip other girls to shreds over something like that. Kelley ended up getting the date rose.

Photo Credit: ABC/John Fleenor

Second Date – Solo Date

Participant: Madison

Prompt: “I want to show you what forever looks like”

First solo date of the season and Peter brought Madison to his parent’s house, because they were renewing their vows. This felt like a special family event for her to be a part of. Their parents read vows to each other and I was just sobbing on my couch because of their beautiful and heartfelt words of love to each other.

During the dinner portion of the date, they have conversations about the types of relationships that existed within their families, and he gave her the date rose.

They go into a room where Tenille Arts is playing, and they slow dance together. While dancing, Peter’s family joined the concert and everyone danced together and seemed to have a really fun time.

Third Date –Group Date

Participants: Lauren, Sydney, Kaden, Natasha, Alexa, Kelsey, Mykenna, Alayah, Savannah

Prompt: “I hope this isn’t awkward”

Hannah Brown was on stage because apparently, she put the date together. Hannah told the story of her timeline with Peter, and yes it was severely awkward and uncomfortable. Hannah even says “Peter holds a place in my heart” to the other girls and it was really weird. So, the girls have to write a story about sex. Either something that’s happened to them in the past or a fantasy they have. Once the girls get started on their project, they show Hannah crying backstage, and of course, Peter goes to comfort her. He asked her how she felt after coming to the mansion the first night, and she said she felt terrible. Hannah and Peter talked about what happened on her season in Greece and she was sobbing because she felt bad.

She questioned what she should have done. And Peter asked her if she regretted asking Tyler for another chance as opposed to asking him for the second chance. He asked her to come be part of the house and she responded with “maybe” and quite frankly I don’t think that’s fair of him to do that to the other girls. He asks if she regretted not choosing him and she said yes. They talk about what happened between the two of them after Hannah’s season ended. Peter came to the realization that he’s not completely over Hannah.

The preview for next week had a LOT of crying women. So, stay tuned to see what happens next week!

The Bachelor Season 24 Premiere is currently streaming on Hulu. The entire season airs Monday nights on ABC.



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