“The Closet Champ” Mike Mueller reviews Celebrity Big Brother Season 3 Week 5 (Episodes 10 & 11).
Episode 10
While Lamar Odom has given us some really touching and emotional moments this season, including opening up about his infant son who died and the regrets he has over his marriage falling apart, he really hasn’t been much of a game player. In fact, for most of the season, he didn’t really even understand how huge parts of the game worked.
Well, that’s out the window now, as it turns out that Lamar was trying to pull a last-minute switch and get Todd and himself to vote Miesha out, causing a 2-2 tie and forcing Carson to make the final decision. He told Todd he had a strong feeling that no matter who was HOH this week, he and Todd were going to be targets, which is 100% true if Miesha and Todrick stick to their word for their one-week truce with Carson and Cynthia.
Whether they would have stuck to their word or not is now pretty much irrelevant since Lamar tells that to Miesha and Todrick TO THEIR FACES! Dude…c’mon man. You might have finally gotten into the game, but you still need to do some warm-ups.
This week’s Head of Household competition is another spin on a classic Big Brother competition. The contestants are hitting the backyard club and must identify a mystery ingredient in a series of cocktails. The drinks will consist of a list of items, but one ingredient will be left off the recipe. It will be on the houseguests to select the correct mystery ingredient in order to win a point. The person with the most points at the end wins.
To the audience’s delight, but contestants’ dismay, these are not the kinds of drinks you’d find at a regular club. They consist of ingredients like sauerkraut, tomato, garlic, BBQ sauce, bologna, and a variety of other disgusting items. To everybody’s surprise, Todd is the taste master, and although there are 7 rounds, Todd goes 5 for 5, while nobody else even puts up three, so he wins the competition in a total blowout.
In addition to winning power, Todd also gets his own “special cocktail,” the Ho-Jito, and gets to choose two people to be the Ho-Jito mascots, so you know some sort of ridiculous outfit is going to be involved. Todd chooses Todrick and Lamar.
This is the first competition Todd has even been close in, let alone the winner of. Between Lamar starting to think strategically and Todd winning competitions, maybe a Miesha/Todrick final isn’t a foregone conclusion after all.
Not only has Todd saved himself this week, but he also understands this is an opportunity for him to get in the good graces of Cynthia, with whom he had an explosive argument in the past. Todd puts up Carson and Lamar as pawns, with the understanding of Cynthia going up if Carson wins and takes himself down.
That does leave the possibility of Cynthia winning and taking Carson down, leaving both of them safe, but that’s not really a bad thing for Todd. Even if that worst-case scenario happens, he will be forced by the process of elimination to put up Todrick or Miesha, and Carson and Cynthia can vote them out without Todd being able to do anything about it. This is actually some “next level” thinking, and perhaps we’ve all been sleeping on Todd for too long.
Episode 11
Before the Power of Veto competition begins, Lamar and Todrick are talking and Lamar opens up about his mom passing away from cancer when he was 12. Between his mom, his son, and his failed marriage, Lamar has had a lot of hardship in his life. It’s hard to imagine someone who has gone through so much who still seems like such a decent, down-to-earth person. No matter what happens in this game, Lamar has definitely earned everybody’s respect. Now excuse me while I go look up Lamar Odom jerseys to buy online…
The veto competition is a twist on the old “Follow the Queen” or “Three Card Monte” game in which the contents must watch a screen where a smiley face emoji enters one of three vehicles, the vehicles then get moved and shuffled around, and the players must pay attention and correctly identify where the vehicle with the emoji finally stops. The player with the most points at the end of 7 rounds wins.
Lamar and Carson quickly fall far behind, while Miesha, Todrick, Todd, and underdog Cynthia fair pretty well at the game. However, after question 6, Cynthia has 3 points while Miesha and Todrick have 5, eliminating her from the competition. After the final question, Miesha pulls away and wins yet another competition. Things are looking very bleak for Carson.
While Todrick and Miesha were able to pull off a Hail Mary save last week, Carson can’t do the same. It isn’t without trying, though. Carson and Cynthia pitch to Todrick, saying if he keeps Carson this week, they would promise him their vote for if/when Todrick is sitting in the final two. It is a very tempting offer, especially since Todrick has already made at least one enemy on the jury (Shanna), but sadly it isn’t good enough. Todrick chooses not to use the power of veto, and although Cynthia voted for Carson to stay, Miesha and Todrick voted him out, and he was evicted 2-1.
Celebrity Big Brother Season 3 Week 5 (Episodes 10 & 11) is now streaming on Paramount+