The Blood & Guts edition of Dynamite kicks off with a mighty punch! The opening bout sees Orange Cassidy defeating “All Ego” Ethan Page live from Detroit. Cassidy looking good off his incredible match against Will Osprey just a few nights ago. Dan Lambert, carrying some OJ, craftily getting Best Friends – Trent Barretta and Chuckie T from ringside. Some funny stuff with hands in pockets, with Cassidy even using the hands in pockets to escape Ethan’s Edge. Lambert’s attempted interference backfires as Cassidy swipes the OJ and takes a swig as he decks Page with the Orange Punch, then channels his inner Muta with the Orange Mist before bodyslamming Ethan Page for the pinfall victory.
Great opener to fire up the crowd.
Dark Luchasaurus defeats Serpentico in a squash
Prior to the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Christian Cage who instead of apologizing, apologizes his other family members weren’t dead to avoid seeing Jungle Boy’s loss. Except for his mother… kiss kiss.
Cage is full of cringe and diabolical evil, as he brings out Dark Luchasaurus, decked in ALL BLACK.
Oh man, this is going to get real interesting once Jungle Boy returns from injury. This is the best uber-heel Christian I have ever seen.
Tony Schiavone interview with Wardlow and Scorpio Sky, upcoming match will be No Holds Barred.
FTRHausen defeat Max Caster and the Gunn Club
Best part of this match was the crowd roaring for FTRHausen. That explosion when Danhausen intro’d “some guys who are pretty good at wrestling.” Great match, FTR with a “double-triple” German suplexes. Danhausen wins after cursing the surprise miracle healing of Anthony Bowens, who accidentally clocks a son of a Gunn with the crutch, allowing the kid to be pinHausened.
Post match, Billy Gunn levels his own kid while seemingly taking the side of The Acclaimed.
Jade Cargill squashed Leila Grey
Sorry, I can’t get into Jade when she keeps squashing people for wins. This “undefeated” streak feels a bit meaningless. However, a post match interview, Cargill taunts Athena and Statlander who charge the ring, only to be ambushed by… Leila Grey?! Apparently Big Stoke made some impromptu offer, much to the dislike of Cargill and Hogan.
Blackpool Combat Club defeated The Jericho Appreciation Society in a Blood & Guts Match
Seriously though. This was a great, fun match to watch. The violence was not insanely over the top, but enough to instill the “blood” portion of the match. Biggest pops go to Claudio and Eddie’s appearances, and the runner-up is Wheeler Yuta taking JAS members to town with multiple German suplexes.
Blood & Guts was a great follow up to Forbidden Door, with some massive hype for Rampage with a number one contender’s “Rampage Rumble” and The Young Bucks vs. Hiroki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi.