Ring of Honor will go Hollywood in one week as we are on the road to Supercard of Honor! As the feuds are heating up inside the Honor Zone, let’s go through ROH TV Episode 4 and see what we liked and didn’t like.
Samoa Joe Promo: We kick things off with a backstage segment with Television Champion Samoa Joe. Joe says that the match between him and Mark Briscoe is now official, and Briscoe is not ready for what Joe has in store for him. He lays out an open challenge to anyone in the back later on tonight!
Tony Nese vs Mark Briscoe: If there is one thing for sure, Mark Briscoe can go as a singles competitor. This was a fun match between two people who will help elevate ROH in their new era. This match was meant for Briscoe to look strong going into Supercard of Honor, and he did just that. After the match is over he goes over to his kids and celebrates with them, adorable.
Winner: Mark Briscoe
Blake Christian, AR Fox, and Metalik vs The Trustbusters (Slim J, Ari Davari, and Jeeves Kay): The six-man tag division is HEATING UP. This match overall was just really fun. There were multiple back-and-forth altercations and either team could have won. Plus seeing Mark Serling take a bump is always a delight. After Christian Metalik and Fox get the win, The Embassy comes out and beats them up, reassuring them that they are the champions and no one will be taking those titles from them anytime soon.
Winners: Blake Christian, AR Fox, and Metalik
Lady Frost vs Skye Blue: This match was a lot better than I expected it to be. ROH keeps bringing in a lot of names from the independent scene to use in their women’s division such as Miranda Alize, Billie Starks, Trish Adora, and Lady Frost! She had a great showing here and I hope when they do the second round of tapings they bring her back. Great win by Skye Blue, if Willow isn’t the one to dethrone Athena, Blue should be the one to do so.
Winner: Skye Blue
Rush and Dralistico vs Rhett Titus and “Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams: What a statement match for Dralistico and Rush. This team may be my new favorite to win that tag team ladder match next week.
Winners: Rush and Dralistico
Caprice Coleman sits down with Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli: Castagnoli apologizes for saying last week that Kingston did not have any honor. He then goes on to say that every time he fails Kingston goes on to blame everyone, but himself. Kingston laughs in his face and asks for a match for the ROH Title. Castagnoli says yes and when he wins he does not want to hear Kingston blame everyone else instead of taking initiative and blaming himself. This was great because it built the story to the pay-per-view, go watch this one.
Matt Taven vs Darius Martin: Never outsmart the man that main evented Madison Square Garden. The cool thing about this feud is how it has also spilled out in Dynamite as the Kingdom cost Top Flight a match this past Wednesday. Now in singles competition Top Flight and The Kingdom are tied at one win a piece, looks like we need another tag match to determine the better team.
Winner: Matt Taven
Tony Deppen vs Brian Cage: Deppen is one of those wrestlers who I feel are extremely underrated, especially in this match. He got a lot of offense in and was able to hold his own against one-third of the six-man champions. When the match was over the Embassy started to beat him up until Christian, Metalik, and Fox made the save with chains and lead pipes. Only in wrestling, I swear.
Winner: Brian Cage
Silas Young vs Shane Taylor: This was one of the matches that I was most looking forward to on this week’s episode, and it delivered. Although these two are certainly not the youngest on the ROH roster they can certainly go. This was a great back-and-forth between two men who have had their fair share of epic moments within ROH. Shane Taylor gets the win in a classic, go watch this one guys.
Winner: Shane Taylor
Miranda Alize vs Billie Starkz: The 18-year-old wins!! Finally! These two will be the future of the ROH Women’s Division. Remember, Alize was the one who went to the finals with Rok-C (now Roxanne Perez in NXT) to crown a new ROH Women’s Champion. Mark my words, watch out for Billie Starks, she is going to be a huge star here.
Winner: Billie Starkz
Aussie Open (Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher) vs Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal: Talk about a passing of the torch moment. Although Aussie Open is still free agents this was a huge stepping stone for their career. This match was awesome and honestly could have gone either way. Aussie Open get the win as they shake Daniels and Sydal’s hands and celebrate. Watch out for these two; they are the dark horse team in that ladder match next week.
Winners: Aussie Open (Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher)
ROH World Television Championship Open Challenge: Samoa Joe vs Cheeseburger: Yes, you did read that correctly, Cheeseburger out of all people to answer this open challenge. Honestly, the opponent did not matter, the only thing that mattered was what happened after the match, this essentially was a squash. ‘
Winner: “And Still” Samoa Joe
We ended this episode with Joe beating down Cheeseburger. Briscoe comes out to make the save and the two stare off as we close the show, will Briscoe be able to reach for the television title?
Overall: We finally got an opening graphic sequence four episodes later which was nice. I also liked how there were few promo/interview segments this week and more in-ring action it adds to how consistent ROH TV has been the past 4 weeks.
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