One final batch of Orlando tapings for now as ROH will now be taped before Collision. ROH TV Episode 17 has 12 jam-packed matches, two championship defenses, and a lot of promo time. Let’s review the episode!
Matt Sydal Promo: Sydal says that throughout his career, he has always gotten what he wanted by grabbing the microphone and asking for what he deserved. He also says that he has always been on the heels of defeating Joe since his first run in ROH and that he was just a kid back then now that he has grown up he has what it takes to defeat Joe and finally become TV Champion.
Samoa Joe Promo: Joe says that he accepts Sydal’s challenges because he respects Sydal. However, he wants to teach Sydal why he is the most dominant TV Champion to date and vows to defeat Sydal tonight and go into Death Before Dishonor as champion.
ROH TV Championship: Samoa Joe vs Matt Sydal: This match was quicker than I thought it would be. Sydal held a lot of offense throughout this match and one wrong move let Joe take advantage. He hit the muscle buster for the win and even shook Sydal’s hand and said he was proud of him. Expected more from this one, but now Joe moves on to Sabre Jr. as Death Before Dishonor right?
Winner: “And Still” Samoa Joe
Deimos vs Nick Comoroto: Deimos makes his ROH debut! For those who do not know Demios is currently engaged to Rowdy Roddy Piper’s daughter Teal Piper who we will see in action later on tonight. This match was back and forth as Comoroto has gained a new attitude since leaving QT Marshall. He cheats to win this one as he tries to gain more momentum on ROH TV!
Winner: Nick Comoroto
Smart Mark Sterling Promo: Says that he has acquired time for Tony Nese to get something off his chest, Nese says that all of the fans in Orlando are in for a treat.
Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) vs Tracy Williams & Rhett Titus: Iron Savages continues to impress every single time they are on ROH TV. Ever since they changed their gimmick from Bear Country they have been on a roll and have been a fan favorite in ROH as well. Williams and Titus are always impressive since they have been a tag team for so long, but unfortunately, Iron Savages continue their impressive role as of late.
Winners: Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson)
WorkHorsemen Promo: Drake & Henry are upset that FTR is not here after they attacked them last week. Since FTR’s closest friend Mark Briscoe is here instead Henry swears that he is going to beat Briscoe so hard to send a message to FTR.
Diamante vs Teal Piper: Piper got a lot of offense throughout this match. She brought everything she had to Diamante, but if you have been following the last couple of weeks, Diamante is on quite the winning streak. She moves to three wins in a row and after the match is over looks into the camera and says “Tony Khan I need better,” interesting right?
Winner: Diamante
Tony Nese vs Serpentico: Before the match started Nese said that he has been wondering why the fans do not respect him, but after doing some thinking he realizes that he can not connect to the fans. This is because the fans are fat and disgusting while he and the rest of the varsity athletes are fit and in great shape. He vows to make the crowd varsity athletes and tells the crowd they are going to do some group exercises. They start by doing stretches and then move into squats. As he tries to make the crowd do push-ups, Serpentico interrupts to start the match-up. Nese dominated Serpentico. The Varsity Athletes are going to have a huge part in ROH as they are starting to get momentum in wins such as this one.
Winner: Tony Nese
Kiera Hogan Promo: Athena dressed up and mocks Hogan saying that she invented the hair color blue and that she fakes injuries for attention. Hogan attacks her from behind and tells her to keep her name out of her mouth.
Notorious Mimi vs Miranda Alize: Nice to see Mimi on ROH TV! Alize has been someone to look out for on these ROH Episodes. She proved herself throughout the ROH Women’s Championship Tournament in 2021 and has gained a lot of momentum throughout the 16 episodes in ROH. She picks up the win here as she gets closer to challenging Athena for the ROH Women’s Championship.
Winner: Miranda Alize
The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) & Stu Grayson vs Dalton Castle & The Boys (Brandon & Brent Tate): Grayson fits in so perfectly with The Righteous. He feels like he belongs and he was even the one to get the victory for his team. I would not be shocked if The Righteous and Grayson get a shot at the six-man titles when their feud with the Dark Order is finished. They dominated this entire match as Castle and The Boys got very little offense.
Winners: The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) & Stu Grayson
Dark Order Promo: Silver says that they can get a lot more violent than The Righteous can ever be. Reynolds says they have seen several Dark Order Members leave throughout the last couple of years and they have done nothing about it. Uno adds on and says that The Righteous are not his brothers and they will not do all of the things that the Dark Order has done for Grayson, he also says time will tell what happens next.
ROH Women’s World Heavyweight Championship Proving Grounds Match: Athena vs Trish Adora: Out of all of the Proving Grounds matches that we have seen, not only did Adora last the most amount of time, but she also had the most offense out of anyone, which is rather impressive. Adora was also someone who shined throughout the Women’s Championship Tournament two years ago, so to see her get this much shine in ROH is not a surprise. Athena moves on 26-0 as we ask the same question every week, who will be the one to dethrone Athena? After the match, Athena beats down Adora as Hogan runs to save her. The two get into a brawl involving another weapon, a trash can. Security tried to break them up, but nothing was able to stop these two. Athena spears Hogan through a table as both women have to get helped to the back.
Winner: Athena
Anthony Henry vs Mark Briscoe: This match hit. Henry is such a great wrestler and when he can break away from Drake will be a great singles competitor in ROH. Briscoe is one of the greatest on the ROH roster and he is doing some of the best work in his entire career. The match took a lot of time and went back and forth. Briscoe gets the win and sends a message to Joe saying that he wants another shot at the TV Championship.
Winner: Mark Briscoe
Tony Khan Promo: TK talks about the fellow Board of Directors and says that Hathaway has had so many great ideas and it is so great to work with him. They talk about the main event for the six-man titles and they make Athena vs Kiera Hogan official for next week in a Chicago Street Fight.
Pure Rules Match: DKC vs Daniel Garcia: They filmed this before Dynamite instead of filming this at the ROH Tapings … interesting. Matt Menard’s commentary is the best thing ever. I need more of this on my TV every week, someone has to make that happen. Garcia is looking to build momentum towards a match with Shibata and he decimated DKC. He wins in less than 10 minutes as he looks towards regaining his Pure Championship.
Winner: Daniel Garcia
Embassy Promo: The Embassy is looking for more serious competition. Cage says that Andretti’s 15 minutes of fame are up, Martin’s real partner is on the shelf, and they have already defeated AR Fox. Prince Nana also adds that they can line everyone up, but the result remains the same: The Embassy on top and in Swerve they trust.
Viva Van vs Skye Blue: So happy for Viva Van. Even though this match was quick, Van got a lot of offense throughout the match. Blue has been on a roll on both Dynamite and ROH, TK sees a lot of potential in her and it shows with every opportunity she is getting. Blue looks for a future title shot as she racks up another win.
Winner: Skye Blue
ROH Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Embassy (Brian Cage, Toa Liona, & Kaun) vs AR Fox, Action Andretti & Darius Martin: This was a fun match! The team of Andretti, Fox, and Martin are always going to put on a good show, but even the Embassy was doing some great work as well. There were multiple times throughout this match where the opposing team could have won the titles, but Cage is going on to being nearly 30-0 in ROH, and I do not think that winning streak is going to be ending anytime soon.
Winners: “And Still” The Embassy (Brian Cage, Toa Liona, & Kaun)
Overall: I am going to miss the Orlando crowds, as I feel those are the best ROH crowds, however, this was a good episode. The wrestling is some of the best that you will see throughout the week and all gears are shifting towards the pay-per-view next month. I honestly feel Hogan and Athena could have been saved for the pay-per-view and not just done on a random episode of ROH TV, since this will be the first women’s match with a stipulation in ROH this deserves a big fight feel, disappointed in that one.
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