HomeTelevision'The Walking Dead' Season 10 Episode 7 Review: Let's Talk About That...

‘The Walking Dead’ Season 10 Episode 7 Review: Let’s Talk About That Ending

Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7
Photo Credit: AMC

Written by Josh B. Taylor


Well, this week finally resolved Siddiq’s (Avi Nash) PTSD.

But with that being resolved leads to his death, by Whisperer spy Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas). Apparently, Siddiq was witness to Enid’s beheading in Season Nine’s pike deaths. It seems there was a Whisperer that held him/forced him to watch as Alpha (Samantha Morton) beheaded her and others that night. Siddiq couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right in Alexandria. He finally realized that the water was contaminated due to a switched handle in the purification system that was causing some citizens of Alexandria to get sick.

Later that evening when he was about to attempt to get some rest, he realized that Dante was really a Whisperer and Dante strangled him. Didn’t really expect this to happen, so I was in shock. I personally thought that Dante was like a figment of Siddiq’s imagination (a la Fight Club) and then would have been confronted by someone in Alexandria about it. But as this episode was going on, I started to think “What if this Dante guy really is a Whisperer?” But then I wondered why Lydia never recognized him? Maybe he was one that didn’t get to know Lydia well, but knew at least that she was Alpha’s daughter. Still was really interesting to see where that subplot finally went to. 

Also during this episode, Carol (Melissa McBride) tries to get some answers out of The Whisperer she captured last week, but they’re not willing to cooperate with her. When the Whisperer tells them that they’re all weak and Alpha is much stronger than any of them, since she sacrificed Lydia, Carol gets the idea to show the Whisperer that Alpha lied to them about Lydia’s fate.

Darryl doesn’t not like this plan at all, saying that Lydia has been through too much, and shouldn’t be used like that. As Carol was heading back to the cell where the Whisperer was held in captivity, he convulses and passed away. Siddiq was brought in to see what happened, but he was poisoned by Dante due to mixing up the medicine. Aaron (Ross Marquand) and Gamma (Thora Birch) have been meeting up lately — since he saw her dumping Walkers in the water earlier this season. They got to know one another and when Alpha finds out about this, she punishes Gamma, saying that they’re lying to her.

As Gamma goes back to meet up with Aaron, she was about to slit his throat, until Carol shows up. She was planning to head to the Whisperer camp with Lydia to show that Alpha has been lying the whole time about Lydia. Gamma freaks out when she sees Lydia and runs away, and Lydia is upset that she was used like that. She decides to join the Whisperers and head back to them, and Aaron stops Carol from running after her.

Season 10 has been an impressive season so far, one of the best seasons in recent years I’d say. Next week is the mid season finale, and with how things ended tonight; I can not wait to see where it all heads to next week.

The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7 is currently streaming on AMC’s website and app.

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