Michael Dworkis

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

Review: Transformers Lost Light #24

It's all over. One more issue to go and it's over. A years-long, quest-spanning, time-traveling, status-quo-shattering saga is coming to an end, and this issue...

Review: Optimus Prime #23

If things weren't bad enough for Team Prime, it gets worse. Much worse. The arrival of a junior squad of Autobots turns ugly and...

Review: Lost Light #23

Roberts certainly threw us a curve ball with the insane revelation last issue, Gods Walk Among Us. Host bodies in Transformers. I know it's crazy,...

Review: Unicron #4

I really don't want to give away any spoilers. I really don't. But be warned THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW.  IDW said they were going to do...

WWE Hell in a Cell 2018 Review

Well, this was interesting. I didn't have my expectations very high, however I was entertained by a few matches. A few. The pre-show match should...

IDW Comic Review: Transformers Lost Light #22

Gods among Cybertronians? Yep. This issue has a ton of surprises. Just when you thought you had some idea of where things were heading, Barber and...

IDW Comic Review: Transformers Unicron #3

If the death toll from last issue didn't give you chills, this issue might have. From the way the last issue ended, Unicron has...

Review: Transformers Optimus Prime #22

If the turmoil from last issue wasn't enough, this is the issue which dumps all the negativity and tragedy onto Optimus Prime. The series largely...

WWE SummerSlam 2018: A Mid-Summer Night of Confusion

I have no doubt there will be a lot of debate whether this was a good pay-per-view or not. If you go by match...

IDW Comics Review: Transformers Unicron #2

Ol' Optimus just can't seem to catch a break. Once again, due to previous delays, a lot of what takes place here has yet...

IDW Comics Review: Transformers Lost Light #21

Before I begin, I want to point out this month's Lost Light 'B' cover was done by Geoff Senior. A classic artist from the...

WWE RAW in Jacksonville Recap: Playing it Safe

Normally I go segment-by-segment to recap RAW, which I'll do somewhat, but let's cover the main stories first. Did anyone notice Brock Lesnar was on RAW last...


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