Pop-Break Staff

Pop-Break Staff
Founded in September 2009, The Pop Break is a digital pop culture magazine that covers film, music, television, video games, books and comics books and professional wrestling.

Pop-Preview: Reybee & S*ALT CMJ Showcase

the news desk's indie street cred is going through the roof ... It's a weekend when new music is discovered. Whether it be by the...

Interview: The Dirty Heads

jeanne crump talks to the SoCal crew as they prepare for their New Jersey show this week ... For a band that has only released...

Trailer Tuesday: Paranormal Activity 3

logan j. fowler and sue look at the third installment of the horror series ... Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? No Thanks. As someone who hasn't...

Pop-Preview: The Undead Festival/NJ Zombie Walk

zombie week continues as jeanne crump looks a bloody good time in Asbury Park, N.J. ... The Countdown to Extinction is on ... The 2011 New...

Pop 5: Favorite Zombie Movies

do not enter, the dead are in here ... Pop-Break loves zombies. We love them so much we've dedicated an entire week to them. And...

Pop-Preview: The Royal Family Ball

from the news desk, some funky, funky news ... Come Saturday, New York City, get ready to rage. We're not talking occupying economic centers. No,...

Review: ‘The Awakening’ by James Morrison

erin petrie reviews the latest from the blue-eyed soul singer ... Close your eyes when listening to James Morrison, and you might think you're hearing...

Trailer Tuesday: Footloose

logan j. fowler and bill bodkin look at the adaptation of the Kevin Bacon classic ... Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? No thanks. At first, I...

Pop Press: Tim Mahoney Releases ‘Voice’-inspired Single

from pop-break's news desk ... Tim Mahoney, the Minnesotamusician who appeared on the first season of NBC's The Voice, has released a new single inspired...

Pop-Break Live: Drag The River

christian uhl catches Drag The River and Lenny Lashley's Gang Of One at Maxwell's in Hoboken, N.J. ... Given Johnny Cash is as much a...

Music Cities USA Goes Canadian: Vancouver

erin petrie's column takes a special trip to our neighbors to the north to find out more about a city that recently made the...

Trailer Tuesday: Real Steel

logan j. fowler and bill bodkin look at the Hugh Jackman robot boxing movie ... Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? No Thanks. The trailer for Rock...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor