Pop-Break Staff

Pop-Break Staff
Founded in September 2009, The Pop Break is a digital pop culture magazine that covers film, music, television, video games, books and comics books and professional wrestling.

Trends on Trial: Back-to-School Style

molly & colleen hurford look at the best back-to-school fashions... Fall is in the air, and even though we aren’t heading back to school, that...

Interview: Grayson Capps

erin petrie speaks with the southern musician ... It was Bobby Long who first introduced me to Grayson Capps. If you're not familiar with Bobby Long,...

Music Cities USA: New Brunswick, N.J.

erin petrie's column returns and looks at the home city of her (and most of pop-break's) former alma mater ... New Brunswick sits on the...

Interview: The Front Bottoms

christian uhl makes his pop-break debut with an interview with the up-and-coming band, who drops their new record today ... Despite the fact that musical...

Trailer Tuesday: Contagion

logan j. fowler and bill bodkinlook at the all-star disaster flick ... Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? Rent. Contagion looks intriguing, almost like the movie The...

Mixtape Monday: The College Edition

joe zorzi is like Asher Roth ... he loves college ... I've always been pretty open minded when it comes to music. But coming to...

Trailer Tuesday: Shark Night 3D

bill bodkin and logan j. fowler look at the end-of-summer flick ... Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? No thanks. The trailer for Shark Night 3D left...

Pop-Break Giveaway: Thomas Dybahl

Pop-Break.com, in conjunction with For the Win! Media, is offering readers an opportunity to win free music. Head over to singer/songwriter Thomas Dybahl's Dacebook page,...

Trailer Tuesday: Our Idiot Brother

logan j. fowler and bill bodkin look at the new Paul Rudd comedy ... Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? Rent (but possibly Theater). Once a movie...

DirecTV’s ‘Damages’: Season 4 and A Special Giveaway

pop-break looks at the TV drama Damages, which is now airing on DirecTV and giving away prizes to viewers each week ... The critically acclaimed...

Trailer Tuesday: Fright Night

logan j. fowler and bill bodkin debate the new thriller with Colin Farrell ... Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? No Thanks. After watching the trailer for...

Three Angry Nerds: CM Punk’s Impact on Pro Wrestling

bill bodkin, michael dworkis and jason stives talk about pro wrestler CM Punk and his impact on the current state of wrestling ... The WWE...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor