Tommy Tracy

Tommy Tracy

TV Recap: Scream Queens, ‘Boonestruck’

Written by Tommy Tracy Warning: Full Spoilers Ahead Hmmm. I struggled to find the right words for this episode and all that I could come up...

Film Review: The Peanuts Movie

Written By Tommy Tracy Have you ever found yourself smiling so brightly that everything shines? You’re just grinning madly, so happy that you’re witnessing something...

TV Recap: Scream Queens, ‘Beware of Young Girls’

Written By Tommy Tracy  Warning: Full Spoilers Ahead. I had to wait two weeks to watch my favorite bitches on screen again and I am so...

100 Scariest Horror Movie Moments: Part 5

Written by Tommy Tracy Here we are, the home stretch. It’s been an incredible five weeks reminding myself (and you) why horror is the best...

Film Recap: Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

  Written by Tommy Tracy I’m going to make this incredibly brief; don’t waste your time. I can’t think of a horror series that has fallen...

100 Scariest Horror Movie Moments: Part 4

  As we fastly approach Halloween, we find ourselves watching more and more horror flicks in preparation. Many people have a set schedules while others...

TV Recap: Scream Queens, ‘Seven Minutes in Hell’

Written by Tommy Tracy Warning: Full Spoilers Ahead. I’ll also be starting an In Memoriam, for those we “lose” every week. Last week, we were promised...

Film Review: Crimson Peak

Written by Tommy Tracy Oh, Guillermo del Toro, you always seem to come up with some of the strangest images, images no sane person can...

TV Recap: Scream Queens, ‘Pumpkin Patch’

Written by Tommy Tracy Warning: Full Spoilers Ahead This show is killing it and yes, the pun was fully intended. After last week’s slightly disappointing (yet...

TV Recap: Scream Queens, ‘Haunted House’

Written By Tommy Tracy Warning: Full Spoilers Ahead This week, Scream Queens takes a small step back, cooling on the murders, offering less comedy and not one...

Film Review: The Walk

Written by Tommy Tracy The Walk is the real life story of French tightrope performer, Philippe Petit, who hung his wire between the Twin Towers...

TV Recap: Scream Queens, ‘Chainsaw’

Written by Tommy Tracy Warning: Some Plot Spoilers Ahead Scream Queens is fast becoming my new favorite show on television, showcasing the very best ideas Ryan...


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