
Josh Hutcherson on Future Man, The Disaster Artist & Video Games

Mid-November is when traditional television starts to wind down -- mid-season finales, holiday specials, and the occasional "big" episode. For Hulu, they're looking at mid-November...

Seth Rogen on the Creation of Future Man, The Freedom of Hulu & More

Mid-November is when traditional television starts to wind down -- mid-season finales, holiday specials, and the occasional "big" episode. For Hulu, they're looking at mid-November...

Keiynan Lonsdale on Kid Flash, Wally & Jesse, and a Dream Team-Up

Over the summer The Pop Break caught up with Kenyan Lonsdale, who stars as Wally West aka Kid Flash, on The CW’s hit series,...

Misha Collins Discuses Supernatural’s Latest Season

Season 12 begins with the return of Mary Winchester (Samantha Smith), the long deceased mother of Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles). Sam...

King Crimson’s Tony Levin on the Band’s Place in Rock History

King Crimson needs no true introduction; with a long and storied history in paving the way for progressive rock, from their groundbreaking debut album...

Wings Denied on Inspiration, Charity, and Mustache Inspirations

Wings Denied hails from Washington DC and is currently travelling across the nation on This Is Hell Tour with The Convalescence, Death Rattle, and...

Ron Scalzo on His New Album, The Great Pumpkin, and Superstorm Sandy

Having interviewed musicians for nearly 20 years, one of the easiest questions I can ask is, 'Who are your musical influences?' It's a softball question...

Wells, Wells, Wells: Tom Cavanagh Talks About the Numerous Incarnations of His Character on The Flash

Over the summer The Pop Break caught up with Tom Cavanagh, who stars as Harrison Wells, on The CW’s hit series, The Flash. The...

Happy Mondays with Quality Living

Quality Living's indie pop/rock sound creates a relaxed atmosphere that puts listeners at ease and encourages them to let their imagination run wild while...

Jared Padalecki on Sam & Dean, Character Deaths & The End of the Series

Season 12 begins with the return of Mary Winchester (Samantha Smith), the long deceased mother of Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles). Sam...

Original Power Rangers Walter Jones & David Yost on Comic Books, Reboots & New Insights

I'm going to go ahead and guess that a lot of you readers, if not all, have seen some version of Power Rangers at...

Colin Quinn on Political Humor, Honesty in Comedy, & “One in Every Crowd”

Colin Quinn has been a staple in the comedy world for decades -- from MTV's Remote Control to In Living Color to Saturday Night...

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