If The Vourdalak utilized childlike puppetry to supplement its darker, fable-like nature, Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person embraces its childish elements for their...
Adapted by co-writer Hadrien Bouvier and director Adrien Beau (who also performs as the Vourdalak) from Aleksei Tolstoy’s story, The Vourdalak follows an obnoxious...
Senior Writer Aaron Sarnecky and Senior TV Columnist Josh Sarnecky are back for another movie retrospective. This month they’re talking about Blade for its...
The black-and-white Oceans Are The Real Continents is subtly intoxicating. Its opening is an evolution of motion, starting with a shot of Alex (Alexander...
You can listen to TV Break on the Pop Break TV stream on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Anchor and Google Podcasts. Please give this podcast a follow and if you...
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Welcome to “Not Couple...
Check out Pop Break Today Feed of The Pop Break Podcast Network -- on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Anchor.
There’s arguably no superhero...
Check out Pop Break Today Feed of The Pop Break Podcast Network -- on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Anchor.
Welcome to “Not Couple...