
TV Recap: WWE Hell in a Cell 2013

There is no way around saying it, this was one strange Hell in the Cell. We learned Curtis Axel is reported injured, so his...

The WWE-ek: Hell in a Call Preview

As I was laying in my hospital bed, I was fortunate enough to have access to both television and the Internet. Unfortunately, when one...

RAW Recap: October 21, 2013

Show Opener: Big Show interrupts HHH/Stephanie - I like the new direction of The Big Show's character. I like that his big blubbering personality...

The WWE-ek: Who’s NXT?

First and foremost, I'd like to wish a speedy recovery to our resident pro wrestling fanatic Michael Dworkis, the author of this column. Mike...

RAW Recap: Columbus Day Edition

Here we go another stream o' consciousness RAW recap... Shawn Michaels has still got it. I'm glad HBK has hung it up and has spent...

The WWE-ek: Battleground Preview

It’s around the corner, and I still do not know what the hell a Battleground is. Is there a gimmick? Something? Why in the...

RAW Recap: RAW Goes Pink (For a Good Cause)

  I often wonder what could have been had CM Punk been scripted as a babyface during the latter months of his WWE Championship reign....

The WWE-ek: End o’ September Edition

It’s been an interesting week. The Rhodes Family takes center stage in the war against Triple H and his corporate reign of terror, while...

RAW Recap: 9/24/13

  Wrestling fans today's word of the day is ambivalence. This word, for those unfamiliar with it, means - the state of having mixed feelings or...

The WWE-ek: Welcome to Another Edition of…It’s Bryan!

It’s all about Daniel Bryan. I should just type his name over and over, and that would be a great column. Daniel Bryan, Daniel Bryan,...

RAW Recap: 9/16/13 – The American Dream Gets RAW

Bill Bodkin fills in with a stream of conscious live blog report.   http://youtu.be/G8LE69g9lI0 I love that song, hands down one of my favorite WWE produced them...

TV Recap: WWE Night of Champions

  I love going to WWE.com before a pay-per-view begins to see any last-minute additions, instead seeing an ad reminding fans to tune in tonight...

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