HomeTelevisionThe Top 10 Moments from SNL's 40th Anniversary Special

The Top 10 Moments from SNL’s 40th Anniversary Special

3. Weekend Update

It’s easy to forget in this current Weekend Update lull that this is one of SNL’s flagship features. Perhaps it’s fitting that current host Michael Che and Colin Jost were completely absent from all Update celebration. Instead we had three prominent women take the desk: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, the first female duo, and Jane Curtin, the first female host. All three ladies dominated and it truly became a standout moment of the night. Plus, there was a spectacular clip show of great Update performances.

As if we needed more to love, there were three major stars playing their favorite characters. Emma Stone dropped by to honor Gilda Radner’s Roseanne Roseannadanna, Edward Norton did a perfect impression of Stefon with Bill Hader in tow, and Melissa McCarthy was amazing as Chris Farley’s Matt Foley. I’m sure his van is still down by the river too. I know this wasn’t a typical Update, there were no current events jokes after all, but this was my favorite in a long time.



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