Michael Dworkis

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

The WWE-ek: It’s Wrestlemania Time

If I didn’t know any better, it’s WrestleMania time! In the past two weeks, we have almost all our main feuds lined up with their...

TV Recap: (Occupy) Monday Night RAW

RAW kicks off with Hulk Hogan, looking good and rockin’ the shades. Hogan announces the first-ever Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. John Cena...

The WWE-ek: Nobody Likes Batista

Nobody likes Batista. WWE knows it and uses it to their advantage. By putting him alongside Corporate Kane and facing off with Daniel Bryan...

TV Recap: RAW is (CM) Punk

I’m getting right to it. Paul Heyman comes out to CM Punk’s theme and tirades against WWE Management about how they have always held...

The WWE-ek: Wade Barrett is WWE’s Troll

Boy, has this been a week. Raw brings the reality. The saga of Daniel Bryan being held down and the fans constantly being disappointed...

TV Recap: WWE Elimination Chamber 2014

What a shame. WWE Legend Larry “The Axe” Hennig has a front row seat, and by front row I mean standing at the ring...

The WWE-ek: Elimination Chamber Preview

I’m saddened to hear about the passing of Nelson Frazier Jr. who many knew as Big Daddy V, or under prior gimmicks of Viscera...

TV Recap: Monday Night RAW: Pre-Elimination Chamber Episode

Well, RAW got interesting fast. We started the show with all the Elimination Chamber combatants in the ring having a great debate. We wind...

The WWE-ek: …Still Brain Dead

Butt-hurt. Butt. Hurt. I’m taking the low road this week, and not because I need a break from being all sophistimicated and intellegentlemanly about our...

TV Recap: RAW is Betty White

Before RAW began, a short moment of silence for WWE Production manager Frank Bullock who passed away recently after a long battle with cancer....

The WWE-ek: WWE…Still Crazy!

I’m really getting tired of seeing photos of people posting their toy versions of Optimus Prime riding Grimlock. Yeah yeah yeah, we saw in...

Pop-Ed: The Super Bowl Film Trailers

Did you watch the massacre which was the Super Bowl last night? The Legion of Boom, the Seattle Seahawks trounced the Denver Broncos 43-to-8....


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