Michael Dworkis

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

Rant-a-Mania: The Heel-ers

Can WWE be a “heel-er?” If you are knowledgeable in wrestling lingo, the title might be humorous. If not, sucks to be you. Just don’t...

Web Series Review: But I’m Chris Jericho! (Episodes 1-3)

He’s a lead singer for a world-renowned band. He has been on celebrity reality television. He’s been in movies. He is/was also a wrestler....

Monday Night Raw: December 2, 2013

If things couldn’t get any stranger. We start the show with CM Punk. Seemed off his game cutting a promo, I’m not sure what...

The WWE-ek: Turkey Day Hangover

It’s been a slow going for WWE since Survivor Series. Coming off the pay-per-view, fans were left confused as to the direction WWE chose....

Review: Christmas Bounty

Plot: Really? Yeah, I start with a catchphrase from The Miz, as I really have no clue what the plot was. A girl from...

RAW Recap: November 25, 2013

Nice tribute to “Mad Dog” Vachon before Raw kicks off. After Survivor Series went off the air, Triple H, Kane, John Cena, and Vince McMahon...

TV Recap: WWE Survivor Series 2013

Survivor Series got interesting before the show actually began. During the pre-show match, The Miz and Kofi Kingston had a respect moment with a handshake,...

WWE Survivor Series Preview

Did you know Survivor Series is THIS Sunday? I almost forgot, only because the entire card is one giant afterthought. Seriously. Have you seen the...

TV Recap: RAW Country

Alright, so they could not have made the match on television. They announced it on WWE.com, the one traditional Survivor Series match for the...

The WWE-ek: The Crazy, The Random, The Survivor Series

Anybody catch the teaser? Not for Doctor Who, but on Raw when The Wyatts and The Shield came to blows? If not, head on...

Pop-Ed: Will John Cena Surpass Ric Flair?

I eluded to this earlier in the week, but it is time for a reality check. John Cena has a combined WWE and World Championship...

RAW Recap: Monday November 11, 2013 (UK Taping)

In a rarity, WWE Monday Night RAW is a taped show due to being across the globe in the UK and time zones being...


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