
Spider-Man Confirmed for Avengers: Infinity War

When Spider-Man (perfectly portrayed by Tom Holland) stepped into the clash between superheroes in Captain America: Civil War, fans went nuts. Spidey easily stole...

Justice League/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1

Written by Andrew Fontana Justice League / Mighty Morpin Power Rangers #1 is exactly the kind of crossover that would make your ten year old...

Review: Red Hood and the Outlaws #6

Red Hood and the Outlaws #6 is almost a tale of two comics, that's how different the two halves of this book are. The...

Review: Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad #3

Written by Mark Henely Now that the title bout has been fought, Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad #3 looks to the next half of the...

Review: Justice League: The Atom Rebirth #1

Written by By Alisha Weinberger What’s red and blue all over? And temporarily  has the density of a white dwarf star? I’ll give you a...

Review: Nightwing #12

Written by Andrew Fontana Things are getting ever stranger in the city of Bludhaven. Nightwing has yet to solve the mystery at the heart of...

Review: Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

In Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad #2, the mini-series finally earns its title by having the two teams duke it out. The series is...

Review: Mother Panic #2

Written by Andrew Fontana Mother Panic #2 continues Jodie Houser and Tommy Lee Edwards' twisted take on the superhero genre. Multiple reviews of the first...

Review: Optimus Prime #1

By: Michael S. Dworkis Thus begins the story of a Prime. This is the tale of a Cybertronian once known as Orion Pax, a cop, a...

Review: Transformers: Lost Light #1

By: Michael S. Dworkis Seeing the cover solicit months ago for Lost Light #1, many were confused as to why HotRod/Rodimus suddenly looks like an...

Review: Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye: Revolution

By: Michael S. Dworkis This was released after the Revolution crossover concluded. Just as well, since its impact on the saga was, intentionally, nothing. The story...

Review: Revolution #5

In the previous issue, the merged form of a Dire Wraith and the head-villain of the Micronauts, Baron Karza uttered those words… “Till All...

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