Plot: A city councilman's body is found intertwined with a tree; Jack (Laurence Fishburne) crashes Hannibal's (Madds Mikelesen) dinner party to investigate Will's (Hugh...
Plot: Single mom Jenny Aschler (Meghann Fahy) is arrested for child endangerment. Not trusting anyone to take care of her young daughter Maddie (Ella...
Plot: Surviving Jack is a new 1990s-set sitcom based on best-selling author Justin Halpern's autobiographical book, I Suck at Girls. The plot revolves around...
Plot: Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) has unveiled himself to the world. He now has everyone's undivided attention, including the still living Claire Matthews (Natalie...
Plot: Will Graham's (Hugh Dancy) trial begins, as those closest to him take sides and Jack Crawford (Laurence Fishburne) is pulled in conflicting directions....
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